Useful Technical Articles, Notes and Instructions.
Add Secondary IP Address to Centos 7 Interface

Add Secondary IP Address to Centos 7 Interface

How to add a secondary IP address on CentOS 7?
In this article we will show you how to add a secondary IP address to your server which is running CentOS 7. Adding an additional IP address is needed if you have two or more subnets and you need to use them on CentOS server. For doing it, you will need to add the second and multiple ip addresses to …

/ Linux
How to disable NetworkManager on CentOS

How to disable NetworkManager on CentOS

How to disable NetworkManager on CentOS — Below you can find how to disable NetworkManager service. 1. Command how to check interfaces are managed by NetworkManager # nmcli device status Mentioned command displays table with lists all network interfaces along with their STATE. If Network Manager is not controlling an interface, its STATE will be listed as unmanaged. Any other value indicates the interface is under Network Manager control. 2 …

/ Linux
HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP – Status Codes – Server Response Code it is server response 3-digit integer, the first digit it is defines the class of response and the last two digits do not have any categorization role. Below you can find the most popular the Server Response Codes: 1XX Informational 100 Continue – This is a kind of confirmation from the server that the initial request has been successfully accepted, you …

/ Useful articles
How to make password entry in the terminal visible

How to make password entry in the terminal visible

How to make password entry in the terminal visible — Each time when you use sudo, the terminal asks you to enter the user password. This is a great security measure! But the terminal does not offer any visual feedback when entering the password. This is often confusing. Adding such a relationship is quite simple, as a result of which we will see “an asterisk” when entering. Open the terminal …

/ Linux
Who needs a dedicated server?

Who needs a dedicated server?

Who needs a dedicated server? And why you need to choose it from VIKHOST   Dedicated server it is a separate physical machine which is used for client’s needs. When dedicated server is ordered, client has own dedicated machine with resources like space, bandwidth & more without any restriction. Below you can find benefits when renting dedicated server:   - For dedicated server can be chosen configuration and OS what …

/ Useful articles
Why is reliable and fast SSD VPS important for an online business.

Why is reliable and fast SSD VPS important for an online business.

Why is reliable and fast SSD VPS important for an online business.   You need to understand how to choose the best VPS hosting for your needs. VPS is suitable for small or medium scale businesses. When you want to buy VPS, there are some requirement which should pay attention like as great uptime, fast SSD, technical support 24×7, network connection and etc. Below you can check some advantage of …

/ Useful articles
How connect to SSH

How connect to SSH

How connect to SSH
After activation of your VPS and receiving access credentials to your Linux VPS, you can log in to the server using SSH protocol. At first you need to download SSH-client PuTTy. ➤
1. Run the program
2. Fill in the required fields:
• Host name (or IP address): IP address of your VPS • Saved Sessions: • Port: 22 • Connection type: SSH

/ Linux
Essential Linux Commands

Essential Linux Commands

This article presents the essential commands for Linux. These basic Linux commands will help the novice user to work successfully with Unix systems.

date – show the current date and time
cal – show this month’s calendar
uptime – show current uptime
w – display who is online
whoami – who you are logged in as
finger user – display information about user

/ Linux
Remount fstab Without Reboot in Linux

Remount fstab Without Reboot in Linux

How To: Remount /etc/fstab Without Rebooting in Linux
The file /etc/fstab contains necessary information for automatic mounting of partitions. Usually, after this file editing, you need to reload the Linux server for the changes to take effect. In the article below we will show you that refreshing the commands in fstab or restarting the operation system in Linux is not necessary.
Reload fstab without reboot in command line from root:

/ Linux
How to find the external ip address in Linux

How to find the external ip address in Linux

Get public IP address in Linux Terminal
First you need to know that there are two versions of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6. Each of these two types of IP addresses can be either private or public. In this article we will show several ways how you can check your outgoing ip address using the dig commands, host command, and some external services to find a public IP address on …

/ Linux