Dedicated Server And VPS — Unlocking Complete Freedom Of Action

Are you looking for effective hosting solutions to support the changing demands of your website? No website can function seamlessly unless any web hosting solution backs it. When it comes to web hosting, you get only the following options:

   Shared Hosting
   Dedicated Hosting
   VPS Hosting

As your business grows, you need to consider which type of solution will be suitable for your website’s hosting requirements. To help you reach a decision, we bring you a complete guide that discusses what is dedicated hosting and VPS hosting. You get to explore the fundamental attributes of each type of hosting to choose the right solution for your website!

So, let’s compare dedicated servers vs. VPS (Virtual Private Servers) hosting and review which hosting solution can upgrade your website’s performance!


Consider a dedicated server as a physical server with high computing power. Unlike Virtual Machines, dedicated servers offer complete operational and configuration controls to the user. You can use the server for hosting your websites or applications. In return, you get exclusive access to its storage and computing capabilities.

Dedicated Server (Bare Metal Server)

Two main categories of a dedicated server are:

Traditional Dedicated Server: This type of physical server is dedicated to the user with fixed hardware specifications. So, you cannot change the configuration specifications and customize it in the future. However, it provides robust and standalone hosting capabilities.

Managed Dedicated Server: For this type of bare metal server, the hosting provider handles the server management and maintenance activities. They perform routine maintenance of the machine and install security updates in a timely manner.

What Is Dedicated Server Hosting?

It is one type of hosting solution for those who require managed dedicated servers. Where the service provider takes care of the server health, the user the server capabilities to fulfill the computing requirements. It also offers customization options during the machine setup.

Who Needs Dedi Server Hosting?

Dedi servers are perfect for businesses that demand top-tier performance and server controls. It provides the infrastructure to support resource intensive applications alongside the following use cases:

   Online gaming and video streaming platforms
   Data-driven application that need efficient data handling
   Online stores and websites with high traffic
   Minimize the risk of security breaches
   Enterprise applications with a large user base

What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dedicated Servers Hosting?

Hopefully, you are now clear about what is dedicated hosting! Now, hover through the top advantages and disadvantages of Dedicated Hosting.

Advantages Dedicated Servers

Unparalleled Performance: With dedicated resources, your server's performance remains consistently high, unaffected by neighboring users.
Total Control: You have full control over server configurations, software installations, and security measures.
Enhanced Security: Dedi servers are less vulnerable to security breaches compared to shared hosting environments.
Scalability: You can easily scale resources up or down as your needs change, ensuring optimal cost-efficiency.

Cost: The power and exclusivity of a dedicated server come at a higher price point than VPS hosting.
Technical Expertise: Managing a dedicated server requires technical know-how or the assistance of a managed hosting service.
Responsibility: With great power comes great responsibility; you are accountable for server maintenance and security.


Virtual Private Server hosting is a type of dedicated hosting where you share a server’s capabilities with others. Even though it sounds like a Shared Hosting, it’s quite different! It offers the users a virtualized physical server environment and bridges the gap between shared and dedicated hosting.

VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting

Here are the main VPS hosting features:

Virtualization: VPS hosting depends on virtualization as it deploys multiple Virtual Machines within a single physical server.
Isolation: VMs running under VPS have independent and dedicated resources. It offers isolated environments for you to host your applications.
Dedicated Resources: You can use the dedicated resources like CPU and RAM under each Virtual Machine.
Customization & Scalability: Users have the flexibility to customize their VPS environment and scale their server resources based on fluctuating demands.

What is VPS hosting used for?

A Virtual Private Server is like having your dedicated area from a large physical server. For example, you can use only 1GB RAM out of 8GB from the physical server and pay only for the usage.

With VPS hosting, small businesses and resellers can leverage the same server’s computing power for different activities. VPS hosting serves a wide array of purposes:

   Hosting websites, portfolios, and personal blogs
   Hosting various Content Management Systems (CMS)
   Performing web app testing in different VPS environments
   Managing custom email hosting solutions
   Employing backup servers to maintain data redundancy

VPS hosting provides a playground for Small/Medium Sized Businesses and their Web Developers. They can create separate environments using the same server’s capabilities to deploy and run different web applications.

What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of VPS Hosting?

Advantages VPS Hosting

Now you know what is VPS, here are the top advantages of opting for VPS Hosting Solutions:

Cost-Efficiency: VPS hosting strikes a balance between performance and affordability, making it an attractive option for many.
Scalability: Like dedicated servers, VPS instances can be scaled up or down as needed.
Isolation: Your VPS operates independently, shielding you from the impact of activities on other VPS instances.
Customization: You have the freedom to tailor your VPS environment to suit your specific requirements.

VPS Hosting Disadvantages:
Resource Limitations: While VPS hosting offers dedicated resources, they are still shared within the machine. It can lead to occasional resource constraints.
Technical Responsibility: Managing a VPS requires some technical knowledge. Also, it is less demanding than a dedicated server.
Security: Vulnerabilities at the server level can potentially impact all VPS on the same physical server.


The following table compares Dedicated Servers with VPS Hosting to highlight the key differences:

Aspect Dedicated Server Hosting VPS Hosting
Resource Allocation You get access to an entire machine, offering abundant resources. Typically, you get a portion (e.g., 1/8th) of a server's resources, which is cost-effective but limited.
Server Performance Superior performance with ample resources results in faster website loading and better reliability. Performance is good but may not match dedicated servers, which can impact website speed and SEO.
Security It is highly secure as you have full control over the server, reducing the risk of security breaches. Security can be a concern as you share the server with other users, potentially exposing your resources to security threats.
Customization & Configuration Both options offer root access and server software customization, providing flexibility. Comparable customization options are available in both dedicated and VPS hosting plans.
Scalability Scalability can be slower as physical hardware upgrades may be required. Scalability is more straightforward and faster, allowing easy plan upgrades as traffic grows.
Price Generally, it is more expensive, but the cost depends on the resources and performance needed. It is more cost-effective for smaller websites, but costs can increase with resource upgrades.


VPS Or Dedicated Server

One of the critical decisions in your journey to hosting freedom is determining whether Dedi servers or VPS (Virtual Private Servers) suit your needs. You can consider the below tips to decide:

1. Cost Considerations

A prominent distinction between VPS and dedicated servers lies in cost. VPS hosting is often the more budget-friendly option since you are essentially renting a portion of a server. As a result, VPS hosting is economically accessible to multiple users. In contrast, dedicated server hosting offers the exclusivity of an entire server solely under your control, which typically comes at a higher cost.

2. Customization and Control

When it comes to customization and control, a bare metal server takes the lead. With a dedicated server, you have full autonomy to tailor the server's characteristics. It includes selecting the operating system, configuring software, and adjusting CPU, RAM, and storage allocations. On the other hand, VPS hosting offers complete customization options that come with some limitations as compared to full-fledged Dedi servers.

3. Performance Comparison

In sheer computing power, the dedicated server shines. A dedicated server typically offers substantial hardware specifications, boasting features like a 500 GB hard drive, 16 to 32 GB of RAM, and a 4-core processor. VPS servers are no slouch in performance. VPS servers, while capable, may not match the dedicated server’s raw computing power. They often feature 2 or 4-core processors with RAM ranging from 4 to 8 GB.

4. Project Size and Resource Demands

Your project's size and resource demands play a crucial role in your hosting choice. If you are managing a sizable project that necessitates robust computing power and resources, a dedicated server is the best choice. Conversely, if you're launching a smaller project or require hosting for a short-term endeavor, VPS hosting offers a more cost-effective solution.

5. Available Data Backup Solutions

When it comes to backing up data, the approach varies between VPS and dedicated hosting. With dedicated servers, manual backups are typically required using a backup manager. On the other hand, VPS hosting offers a more user-friendly backup process for virtual machines.

6. Security and Reliability

A Dedi Server provides an extra layer of security since you have exclusive control over the server environment. In contrast, VPS hosting, while generally secure, carries a slight security risk due to shared server resources. If data and server security are paramount for your business, dedicated server hosting is a more secure choice.


Dedicated or VPS Hosting? There is no stable answer. Your choice should align with your project objectives and budget constraints.

Dedicated servers offer excellent performance and control that can handle large-scale infrastructures. So, if you need complete control over the server components, you can go for the dedicated server.

Virtual Private Server hosting, on the other hand, offers an economical and flexible solution for a wide range of users. It's affordable and highly reliable with efficient performance stability. Hence, it is also a reliable choice for many established businesses.

Now, it’s time to make a final decision and unlock the complete freedom in your hosting journey!
Rashmi Debnath

Hi, I'm Rashmi D., a passionate content writer with 10+ years of expertise. By profession, I'm a cloud Architect who enjoys translating complex technologies into reader-friendly technical blogs and articles. I enjoy exploring and testing new trends and the latest tech inventions. Let's discover what's happening in the tech world together through my writings!